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Friday 7 September 2018

This Japanese tilting electric cargo tricycle is as cute as it is functional

Electric bicycles used to be fairly multi-use vehicles, often designed for roles such as commuting, recreation, and even light cargo duty. But as e-bikes continue to grow in popularity, strong sales are encouraging designers to branch out with ever more specific-use designs that excel at certain tasks.

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Thursday 6 September 2018

‘Tesla Killer’ narrative comes back as German automakers launch EV offensive – don’t fall for it

The good old ‘Tesla Killer’ moniker, which the media often apply to virtually any new electric vehicle, is coming back into the spotlight as German automakers are launching a new EV offensive.

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Thursday 6 September 2018

Uber predicts it will offer more rides on electric bicycles and scooters than cars

Personal urban transportation, including one-person electric vehicles designed for cities, is a rapidly growing industry.

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Wednesday 5 September 2018

The First Quieter Megacity, Thanks to Electric Vehicles

On a recent afternoon at a bus stop in the business district of Nanshan in Shenzhen, China, the air was filled with the sound of chirping birds in a nearby park. The street was quiet, with the exception of the occasional diesel truck chugging past—holdouts against a future that glided in with barely a sound: an electric bus.

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Wednesday 5 September 2018

Study: 1 out of 3 new trucks will need to be electric or zero-emission by 2030 if EU to meet Paris commitments

A new study by TNO, commissioned by the Dutch Environment Ministry finds that one out of three new trucks will need to be electric or zero-emission by 2030 if the EU is to meet its Paris commitments.

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