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Thursday 11 July 2024

The MIAS acquires the MEVS

A major transaction in the mobility sector, the Montreal International Auto Show (MIAS) is proud to announce the acquisition of the Montreal Electric Vehicle Show (MEVS), thereby solidifying its role as a leading promoter of automotive events in Canada. 

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Friday 3 May 2024

Let's be in vacation mode, starting today!

The logistical organization of the beautiful 2024 edition of the Montreal Electric Vehicle Show (MEVS) gave us several cold sweats and a number of challenges which appeared one after the other, in cascade, all this a few weeks before the event.

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Thursday 2 May 2024

Tesla conducting more layoffs, including entire Supercharger team

Just after laying off “more than 10%” of its global workforce, Tesla is laying off even more employees – including senior executives and long-time veterans of the company, most notably the entire Supercharging team and the executive responsible for negotiating NACS adoption across the industry.

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Wednesday 1 May 2024

Most efficient hybrid vehicles in every major category

Longtime readers (thanks, both of you) may recall a similar list penned by this publication just a couple of short months ago which focused on non-hybrids. As promised, we’ve gathered an array of hybrid powered vehicles for this follow-up list.

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Tuesday 30 April 2024

Polestar reports drivable EV with 10-minute 10-80% charging

Polestar has announced that prototype cells fitted to a version of its upcoming Polestar 5 flagship EV have been able to do a 10-80% charge in just 10 minutes. 

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