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Monday 18 December 2023

A little break for the end-of-year Holiday Season

Ho Ho yes! We have already arrived at the end of year break!

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Friday 15 December 2023

The 2024 MEVS always scheduled on April 19 to 21... and Happy Holidays

We were advised on December 12th, by the management of the Olympic Park, that there will be exploratory work in the heart of the Stadium in view of future work to change the roof and the technical ring.

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Thursday 14 December 2023

Only EVs Can Make Fuel Off-Grid, Keep Working During Long Power Outages

There’s a lot of complete BS on the internet about EVs. They supposedly would kill you in a snowstorm, but testing shows they’d outlast most ICE vehicles stuck on a snowy road, and keep the heat on for weeks if you switched to seat heaters.

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Wednesday 13 December 2023

ZEV registrations surged 33 per cent in Q3 over Q2, says new StatsCan data

Zero-emission vehicle registrations reached 12.1 per cent, powered by the single biggest quarterly leap in ZEV adoption in Canada to date, according to Statistics Canada.

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Tuesday 12 December 2023

The electric vans inspired by classic vehicles

In some cases it’s obvious that manufacturers have taken inspiration from classic vehicles when designing their electric vans.

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