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Sunday 5 January 2020

Tesla delivers 112k vehicles in Q4, blasting through forecasts

Already riding high after reporting a profitable quarter and beginning deliveries from the Chinese Gigafactory, Tesla has delivered another body blow to the fossil auto industry. In Q4 2019, Tesla delivered 112,000 cars, exceeding expectations and blowing through the previous delivery record of 97,000 cars, which was set in Q3.

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Friday 3 January 2020

IKEA - Australia deploys electric delivery truck from SEA Electric

Australian e-truck builder SEA Electric has delivered an electric delivery truck to fleet service provider All Purpose Transport. The new truck will be making deliveries for IKEA in Queensland.

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Thursday 2 January 2020

Jeep's new hybrid Wrangler will be branded the '4xe'

If there’s one thing that can be counted on more reliably than the appearance of snow in winter or gel in Doug Ford’s hair, it’s the propensity for carmakers to throw the proverbial kitchen sink of marketing at a hotly anticipated new vehicle.

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Monday 30 December 2019

Five vehicle interoperability principles that are critical to EV market success

Charging standards are far more mature than they were a few years ago when the first production EV’s were landing in the hands of early adopters. EVs and related charging technologies have continued to evolve, keeping the whole industry on its collective toes.

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Sunday 29 December 2019

Volkswagen introduces cute mobile EV-charging robots

Much has been made about the need for EV charging spots. “The electrics are coming! They will all need places to charge!”

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