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Monday 28 January 2019

To Learn How Cold Weather Affects An Electric Car, Ask A Cold Weather Expert

If you want to know how cold weather effects driving an electric car, who better to ask than people who live in Saskatchewan?

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Saturday 26 January 2019

Rolls-Royce hopes to set speed record with electric airplane

The ACCEL team wants to surpass 300 miles per hour in 2020. Way back in 1931, Rolls-Royce helped Britain claim the Schneider Trophy, awarded to the Supermarine S.6B racing airplane after it set a speed record of 343 miles per hour.

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Friday 25 January 2019

VW announces it will produce its own mobile fast-charging station with 360 kWh battery pack

Wednesday 23 January 2019

Federal government to fund 100 new electric car charging stations in Quebec

Hydro-Québec will receive $5 million to build the fast-charging stations across the province. It plans to build 1,600 stations over the next 10 years.

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Tuesday 22 January 2019

Volkswagen Goes For The Electric Nürburgring Record

This summer, the Pikes Peak record-setting I.D. R will try to reach a higher average speed around the Nürburgring than the current EV champion NIO EP9's 115 mph.

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