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Wednesday 12 December 2018

Trump's threats to pull electric car subsidies could kill U.S. jobs and give China an edge

Trump’s actions could allow Asian and European carmakers to take pole position in a fast-moving market.

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Monday 10 December 2018

All-electric Iridium E Mobil motorhome is coming to market

A consortium of German companies has teamed up to bring to market what could become the first all-electric motorhome: the Iridium E Mobil.

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Thursday 6 December 2018

VW says it is now developing its last generation of gas, diesel engines

Our readers speculate a lot on this site about how long it will be until gas and diesel engines fade out, and the transition to electric cars is complete.

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Thursday 6 December 2018

Aston Martin to offer electric conversions of classic cars

Aston Martin wants to take advantage of the growing interest in classic cars and combine it with their electrification effort to offer electric conversions of classic cars.

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Wednesday 5 December 2018

Waymo One Launches In Phoenix Today

Waymo has officially launched its new Waymo One commercial on-demand ride hailing app in Phoenix, Arizona today, marking the latest step toward a fully-autonomous Waymo ride hailing service for the masses.

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